SEO and User Interface: A mutual relationship

SEO and UI are closely related to each other, and a good SEO knows that UI is a part of SEO. When it comes to an online business, the main purpose of the website is to get conversions. To get conversions we need to have good SEO and a good user interface, if we only have good SEO, the user may come to the website, but will leave because of the bad interface of the website, and a good user interface website is nothing without a good SEO strategy.

Essence of User Experience

UI is something that a visitor interacts with, and a good user interface signals the visitors about trust, quality and professionalism.

There are a lot of things to consider when designing the UI of any website or application.

Color pallet

Different colors signify different things, like blue color signifies stability, inspiration and wisdom, and yellow color signifies happiness, energy and sunshine. So you have to choose 1 primary color, and 2 secondary colors, or it may depend on personal choice. But I don’t recommend adding a lot of colors to the page.

Page Speed

Page speed also contributes to user experience, page should load faster to make the experience good and also decrease the bounce rate on the website.


Page should be as valuable as it is attractive, it should provide the visitor what he/she is looking for on the page.


Webpages should have a good navigation options, it will help in user experience and also SEO of the websites, because it allows crawlers to navigate the website.

User-Centric SEO

There are a lot of other things also to consider in user experience, here is a brief list of things to consider in making of a attractive and functional UI.

  1. Colors
  2. Navigation
  3. Functionlity
  4. Responsiveness
  5. Page Speed
  6. Uniformity in design

Case Studies and Best Practices

An example of a great UI and SEO is Wikipidea, Having a very straight forward design, with all the options that are required, and also all the SEO tactics to navigate and guide the visitors.

Another example is medium, even though it is a platform where anyone can go an publish their stories, it a good and simple to use platform, that have a very clean and attractive UI in black and white colors mostly.


SEO and UI/UX are closely related to each other, its like bread and butter. These two should work in corelation to each other, there should be no SEO thing to do if it worsens the user experience and there should be no UI changes that worsens the SEO of the website.

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